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A Daily Dose of Wonder

A Daily Dose of Wonder

THIS WEEK I WATCHED AN EPISODE of “The Nature of Things” called the “Intelligence of Trees.” It was a fascinating account of how academic studies are finding that trees—through their root systems—are communicating with one another. They are sending out messages of...

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The State of Society

The State of Society

MANY QUAKER MEETINGS write annual "state of" reports. How we do it differs a lot. My own yearly meeting asks each local meeting to write a "state of the meeting" report, and then these reports are read by a yearly meeting committee and conglomerated into a "state of...

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Intentionality of Joy

Intentionality of Joy

"These things I have spoken to you so that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full" —John 15:11 EARLY IN THIS SEASON OF ADVENT, my daughter brought home a new addition to our Christmas decorations. It was a cheerful wooden plank that proclaimed: JOY to the...

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The joy of reciprocity

The joy of reciprocity

The track leading to Colthouse Meeting VISITING AMONG FRIENDS RECENTLY felt like oxygen to me, after COVID lock-downs and the forced cancelation of earlier travel plans. With Sophie’s hospitality of lunch and driving guidance (see below), and the welcomes we received...

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UNDERGIRDING ALL THE PERSPECTIVES AND THEOLOGIES about the death and resurrection of Jesus rests an existential truth. The essence of Godness is Life. God creator, sustainer, healer, transformer, redeemer. Everything of God’s nature is working toward Life. Robust, joy...

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Ordinary Kindness

Ordinary Kindness

My daughter, Belinda, and our Shih Tzu—a.k.a. Crouton—can be seen walking together in our neighborhood. Belinda is friendly and open hearted, so she knows the names of many of our two and four legged neighbors. Crouton has an adorable charm that attracts folks’...

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The Asking

The Asking

THE HAWAIIAN MISSION HOUSE MUSEUM is right there on South King Street, so if you’re taking the bus to the beach or to the shopping center, you’re going to pass it every time. Still—maybe because the signage is small, or maybe because tourists don’t come to Oahu to visit museums—I manage to be the only person who shows up for the 1pm guided tour.

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