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Shiphrah, Puah, and Pluralism

Shiphrah, Puah, and Pluralism

SHIPHRAH AND PUAH BROKE THE LAW. When Pharaoh ordered the midwives to kill the male Hebrew newborns, they conspired instead to lie to him. "Hebrew women are not like Egyptians. They give birth too quickly, before we arrive." This implies that Pharaoh wanted the deaths...

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Nurturing the Witness of God-Between

Nurturing the Witness of God-Between

INCREASINGLY I AM SEEING ARTICLES AND DISCUSSIONS about the urgent need to rebuild the structures of community that have been shredded in our American life. Recently The Atlantic published an insightful essay by David Brooks called, Why are Americans so Mean? This was...

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Sunbrick field, in Cumbria, where Margaret Fell and a host of 17th century Friends are buried.UNLIKE SOME FAMILIES, mine never had the tradition of visiting cemeteries to put flowers on graves. My father was not one to discuss the afterlife — or any faith issues. My...

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