Spiritual Direction: Christine Hall
Companionable reflection that integrates everyday experiences in the Holy, helps discern Divine guidance, and grounds Spirit-led action.
by Jonathan Vogel-Borne | August 10, 2021 | Christine Hall, Spiritual Direction
Companionable reflection that integrates everyday experiences in the Holy, helps discern Divine guidance, and grounds Spirit-led action.
by Jonathan Vogel-Borne | August 10, 2021 | Jan Wood, Spiritual Direction
Integrating and empowering all that we are, spiritual direction is like a personal trainer for the Life of the Spirit.
“What Fendall, Wood, and Bishop have done is a great service to the church, but also to the world beyond. They provide practical ways forward in the central issue at stake in Christian leadership: how to lead in usch a way that helps people come to unity around a common sense of Christ’s leading.”
—Paul Anderson, Professor of Biblical and Quaker Studies, George Fox University
“This is a book that should be a part of the library of every serious advocate of discernment. It is a very valuable resource for anyone seeking to lead his or her group toward a deeper commitment to understanding and doing God’s will.”
—Don Zimmer, Board of Discerning Overseers, Worshipful-Work Center for Transforming Religious Thought
“With fresh, practical suggestions grounded in Scripture, the authors move us from the common temptation to falsely defauth to individual, ‘just the Holy Spirit and me’ decision making to how to make wise choices in community. It is a much-needed resource for living out the kind of discernment that Jesus intended for the body of believers.”
—Mary Albert Darling, Assistant Professor of Communications, Spring Arbor University
“The joy and strength of this little volume is that it is full of sound theological truths, insights, and practical suggestions that caused this reader to grab not only my highlighter pen but also to fill the margins with asterisks and notes!
Patricia Thomas, Recorded Friends minister, Wilmington, Ohio
“This is the book I have been looking for to teach others about discernment and to hone my own skills as a facilitator.”
—Victoria Curtiss, Presbyterian pastor, Chicago, Illinois
“Full of wisdom, imagination and sound advice, this little book is addressed to groups of Christians (and others) faithfully seeking God’s guidance as a body. . . . It will be valuable far beyond the limits of the Friends Church.”
—John Punshon, Milton Keynes, England
“To you, Lon, Jan and Bruce I say thank you for the best book I have ever read on Friends decision making and discernment (and I think I’ve read most of them.)
—Dave Kingrey, Mid-America Yearly Meeting
“Wow! How can I say enough good things about this book. . . . The reaction of Friends in the classes (two Meetings) supported my initial impression. It was truly “good news.”
—Christine Greenland, Philadelphia Yearly Meeting
“I love your book! Good Job! I’m so grateful to have this very useable, well done tool! Thank you!”
—Susan Towner-Larsen, United Church of Christ pastor
“I just read a copy of Practicing Discernment Together, then I read it again. Well done.”
—Chuck Orwiler, Rocky Mountain Yearly Meeting
“I recently read your book, Christians at Work: Not Business as Usual. What an impact it has made in my life! I keep it within easy access on my bookself in my office and refer to it frequently!”
—R.C, Ohio
“Christians at Work: Not Business as Usual is vitally important and inspired reading for all practicing Christians no matter what their social background, educational level, employment history, or current occupation.”
—Midwest Book Review, Oregon, Wisconsin
“Jan Wood’s much-needed book goes a long way toward helping Christians see their work as a sacred calling.”
—John Fischer, Author. What On Earth Are We Doing
“Author Jan Wood is a Quaker theologian and teacher. Her book combines spiritual guidance with psychological insights as it outlines what it means to be Christ-like in the workplace. The writing style is crisp and inspirational.”
—Harold D Lehman, Provident Book Finder
“I found that Wood’s book can be a tool not only for the working world, but for the Christian journey as well.”
—J.K., college student
“If you read only one book on work and faith this year, let this be it.”
—Wally Kroeker, Editor, The Marketplace, Mennonite Economic Development Associates