ashley-preaching2 A few weeks ago, my seminary classmate Kenya asked if I would lead a workshop on prayer practices for the Episcopal Road Fellows, a group of young adults working for social justice in Atlanta.  Kenya and I are excited about the workshop, which will involve prayers using the body and creativity, such as doodle prayer, coloring mandalas, walking a labyrinth, and a breathing prayer.  I will also introduce the Quaker practice of holding people in the Light.  My hope is that they will try out new practices they can incorporate into their daily life.

I am delighted to be working with the Episcopal Road Fellows, and Kenya and I have already started making plans for me to meet with them again in the new year for a workshop on Quaker discernment.  This experience with working with a peer in the Episcopal church has underscored something I have found in my ministry with people in other religious communities: People in other denominations and faiths want to learn about Quaker spirituality and discernment practices.

When I preach in Methodist churches, I explain how Friends believe that God can talk to and through anyone.  I invite the congregation to listen together for how God is speaking to us through scripture and the message, and I incorporate times of silence and queries.  Recently, I have had conversations with Catholics comparing Quaker and Jesuit discernment, and I have found common ground with Buddhists, discussing the similarities and differences between our practices of sitting in silence.

These are people who may never set foot in a Quaker meetinghousewho have deep spiritual practices of their ownand they want to learn about the unique spirituality that Friends have to offer.  I feel the Life in our conversations, and I feel led by the Spirit to share what we have learned about listening to the Inner Voice in the Religious Society of Friends.

I know that there are many Friends who also want to share our peculiar faith and practice with others, and I invite you to partner with me as I do this work.  I welcome your prayers and your support, especially your financial support as I find ways to bring these practices to other denominations and faiths.

If you feel so led, please donate to support my ministry on the Good News Associates donations page:

Thank you for your support.