By Lorraine Watson
Rocks painted by Christine Hall, Director of Way of the Spirit
ILOVE THAT THANKSGIVING FLOWS INTO CHRISTMAS, setting the tone for the Christmas season with gratefulness. In thinking about gratitude and gratefulness, there is often a significant link to generosity. Gratitude begets generosity as feeling grateful naturally spills over into generous actions. Cicero said that gratitude is the parent of all other virtues.
Gratitude is like breathing in—letting ourselves be touched by the goodness in others and in our world. Generosity is like breathing out—sensing our mutual belonging and offering our care. From “Gratitude and Generosity,” by Tara Brach
Let’s hold on to gratefulness and generosity as gifts for our spirits to move into new ways of being, not just for the season of Christmas, but year-round. Not just towards our loved ones, but for those outside our natural circles of giving.
Generosity creates a connection between us, which moves us towards a sense of interdependence and recognizing that we are in this world together—sharing resources and working for the good of all. True generosity doesn’t assume a reciprocal pay back. Generosity simply gives without expectation. In that, generosity is free to go forth and bless others
I am particularly grateful for the generosity of the community that has gathered around Good News Associates. Generosity doesn’t exist in a vacuum—it flows out from us to touch people all around us. Your financial support of Good News Associates has allowed us to do amazing work in our world. As we’ve come together, trusting God to provide, we have all been blessed. Your support in prayer and friendship has bolstered us. Thank you!
Lorraine Watson is the president of Good News Associates
She is the pastor of North Seattle Friends Church