Better Uses of Solitude

Better Uses of Solitude

Pondering solitude, I’ve remembered that “alone” isn’t the same as “lonely.” Solitude can be lonely, and through the pandemic we’ve learned far too much about suffering through loneliness. But this week, I’m engaging solitude more as intentional seclusion, a retreat, a withdrawal for re-collection.

Groaning our Prayers

Groaning our Prayers

Guttural, loud, gravelly deep in my throat, resonating in my chest and abdomen, emptying out a big belly breath to the dregs, sometimes a word or two but mostly beyond words—that’s a whole body groan. … I’ve been learning how to integrate groaning with prayer.

Spiritual Facilitation Online

Spiritual Facilitation Online

Spiritual Facilitation Online WE ARE ALL EXPERIENCING NEW WAYS OF CONNECTING for worship and mutual support online. Some gatherings are more satisfying than others. What helps? This post speaks to facilitators of small group sessions for spiritual encouragement and...